February 27, 2006

King of the C-List celebrities, Don Knotts dead at 81. Thought he was way older, or at least, was 81 for a really long time already. Gracias por todos las memorias, Don!

February 23, 2006

Shakespeare death mask reevaluated as genuine. Which is just the latest act in the ongoing drama as to which portraits are genuine, (me, I prefer the Canadian one, of course). And why should it even matter what Bill looked like? What is his image compared to his words? more inside

February 22, 2006


February 21, 2006

Papa Ratzi demands royalties for his writings. Guess he's short for cash. You wouldn't believe what a money-pit he's living in...

February 15, 2006

Let the Eagle soar... Our favourite ski-jumper (allright, the only one I can even name), Eddie the Eagle, talks a bit with the ceeb about what he's been up to lately.

February 10, 2006

Pharoah's tomb found in Valley of the Kings, intact. Found a mere five metres away from King Tut's old digs. Now go tell your mummy.

February 09, 2006

Lunchtime Quickies. A selection of true love and sex confessions from Eye's annual love and sex guide. (As if you need a guide, heh heh.) Feel free to rip off stories for your upcoming novel or screenplay. [possibly NSFW] Enjoy.

February 08, 2006

Alan J. Shalleck, co-author of Curious George, found dead.

February 07, 2006

Canadian Coffee Quaffin' Monkeys Unite! A useful tool for finding your nearest non-corporate coffee places. If your haunt isn't on there, feel free to add it, and curse yourself later for making it popular.

February 02, 2006

Shock jock asks Ryan Seacrest if he's teh ghey. And metro posterboy Seacrest says -- but before we get to that, yeah, it's none of our business, and it doesn't matter anyway, and we should judge people on the basis of their sexuality. Now go ahead and clicky clicky. [via Fark -- whadidya expect?]

January 31, 2006

Oscar Nominations are out. Of course, they're teh suck. Feel free to discuss/criticize, in a spoiler-rich environment. more inside

January 30, 2006

University cashier makes inappropriate remarks. The story itself is only mildly amusing, but what leaves me dumbstruck is that the school literally has an Ivory Tower. more inside

January 26, 2006

It's official. Canadian icon store The Bay, one of the oldest corporations in the world, will go into the hands of a South Carolina businessman. Grab your Point Blanket now.

January 23, 2006

"Whatever you do, don't mention the War." Dutch footie supporters are snapping up Nazi Helmets as a 'joke' for the World Cup, with fifteen thousand already sold. more inside

January 19, 2006

Luv Linen. "There's no need to hold back with Luv Linen. There are no sheets to change, no more ruined towels, sheets or mattresses and no more wet spots to endure! How awesome is that! It makes for a wonderful bridal shower gift." [via Sasha van Bon Bon, ][maybe NSFW] more inside

January 18, 2006

Crossing the beams of hipness. Belle & Sebastian, long the lords and gods of the painfully hip and assorted introverts everywhere, are putting out a Graphic Novel, or rather, one is being put out by various artists based on B&S songs. more inside

January 17, 2006

I have so found the name for my next D&B band. [via obscurestore]

January 16, 2006

Now THATSA sexyrobot! The fine folks who do We Are Robots have finally released 'Gothbot'. At long last! Our wait for socially-acceptable stereotype-based humour is over! [flash] more inside

January 13, 2006

Jamesh'sh Ashton Martin for shale. Complete with machine gunsh, tire shreddersh, and "hydraulic thing that shoots oil". more inside

January 12, 2006

Sony catches teh ghey. Docking with Wilderness Media to start a fabulous new record label. more inside
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